Study Guide: The Constitution
We are always looking for opportunities to educate Hoosiers about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, civil rights laws and the Constitution of Indiana.
If you are a teacher in Indiana, and are interested in additional resources to engage your students on Constitution Day, we can email you a PowerPoint presentation on the Constitution, as well as a PowerPoint true-false pop quiz to share with your class! There are PDF versions of both presentations available below.
Download the hi-res version of the ‘Dare to Create A More Perfect Union’ coloring book page here. Download additional resources to put to use in your classroom this Constitution Day, below:
- pdfConstitution Trivia Quiz 1 (True-False).pdf
- pdfConstitutution Day PowerPoint (PDF).pdf
- pdfknow_your_rights_for_students_and_free_speech.pdf
- pdfACLU_Constitution_Brochure.pdf
- pdfACLU_Bill_of_Rights_Brochure.pdf
- pdfACLU_Supreme_Court_Brochure.pdf
- pdfPocketConstitution.pdf