The ACLU of Indiana can help you if you think your rights have been violated by a government agency or organization, including town government, schools, police officers or the state of Indiana.

Here are a few basic questions to ask yourself if you are unsure about whether or not to submit a legal request with ACLU of Indiana:

  1. Have your civil liberties been violated by a government entity?
  2. Does your issue concern a right or freedom protected by the U.S. or Indiana Constitutions? (See below for examples.)
  3. Are you the person or party whose constitutional rights have been violated?

Some examples of Constitutional and Civil Rights violations include:


After reading the above information, if you believe your constitutional rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with the ACLU of Indiana online, email us at, or mail intake requests to:

ACLU of Indiana
1031 East Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202