At the ACLU of Indiana, we rely on help from our supporters to make Indiana a more just and equitable state for all Hoosiers. As critical battles to protect our civil liberties continue, we are grateful to those who take action with us.

In the last few years, we have built our volunteer program to engage Hoosiers in the fight for civil liberties. Throughout this time, we have gained 750+ ACLU of Indiana volunteers who have signed up to fight with us. As the last few years have revealed, we need to stay united, show solidarity and make our voices heard if we are going to stop the continuous assault on our rights.

The frameworks of community organizing and movement building start with engaging energized people around a specific opportunity. In Indiana, we have seen the power of community influence public policy through rallies, protests, grassroots organizing and directly impacted individuals leading the way and fighting for change.

We know, when we organize and build community, we start movements bigger than ourselves. These movements are extremely impactful.

We have built energy and momentum around pivotal moments for change in the past few years. In the 2019 legislative session, we sent 20,000+ messages to legislators around key civil liberty issues in Indiana. Collectively, we raised our voices to fight for the rights of trans and non-binary Hoosiers to change the gender marker on their IDs, raised our voices to advocate for juvenile justice and fought for the rights of every Hoosier to make personal decisions about their body without constraint from legislators.

With the next legislative session ahead of us, we are eager to keep that momentum going. We will continue to fight to make our voices heard and fight for our civil liberties at the statehouse. Will you join us? Take action and become an ACLU of Indiana volunteer. ACLU volunteers stay connected with our work through activist trainings, monthly volunteer opportunities and more.

¡La lucha sigue!